Berlin Coffee Festival 2019!
Jedes Jahr zur selben Zeit trifft die Coffee-Community in Berlin zusammen, um sich bei spannenden und kreativen Events über das Thema Kaffee auszutauschen, miteinander die Begeisterung zu teilen und zu feiern. Das alljährliche Berlin Coffee Festival kann beginnen und es beginnt dieses Jahr am 01.Oktober und endet am 06.10 mit den großen Haupt-Event.
Wir freuen uns, dieses Jahr Hauptsponsor dieser Veranstaltungswoche zu sein und haben – wie jedes Jahr- unsere Highlights herausgearbeitet und hier für euch (englisch) bereitgestellt:
La Marzocco’s Tasting Friday
Fr. 11:00 – 19:00 / La Marzocco Berlin Office, Reuterstr. 50
La Marzocco presents the finest food and beverage tastings all day long in proud partnership with the sensory experts of Wellmondo Tea, Elephant Gin, Sake Kontor & Olio Costa olive oil. Check our agenda on the official Tasting Friday event page and join us, and our partners, on a journey exploring the spectrum of aromas and flavors to be found in these diverse culinary products. Each partner will present different ways to develop your sensory skills and knowledge about origin and processing. This tasting experience is accompanied by our beloved home & bar machines which are on hand to provide fresh coffee-based drinks during the tasting sessions. Feel free to drop in to individual session or join us the for the whole day.
La Marzocco’s Aperitivo a Berlino
Fr. 19:30 – 21:00 / La Marzocco Berlin Office, Reuter
We will finish our Friday tasting session with delicious drinks and snacks. Ever seen a La Marzocco machine preparing cocktails? No need to say more. See you there! First guests will get a secret gift.
Home Barista Classes
Fr. 11:00 – 13:00 / Fr. 14:00 – 16:00 Markthalle 9
Catch one of the few tickets for the La Marzocco kitchen classes and learn how to create delicious coffee at home. We will have skilled trainers of Berlin School Of Coffee on our stand showing you step by step the secrets behind making finest espresso at home. You do not need any equipment.
- Grinding / Extraction / Milk
Check here for your ticket!
La Marzocco & Sander-Tec: Tech Academy
Sa. 11:30 – 13:30 / La Marzocco Berlin Office, Reuterstr. 50
Tech time! Why do we manufacture our machines the way we do? We are stoked to host a very special guest from La Marzocco Florence, a.k.a The Oracle, who is famous worldwide for his in-depth knowledge of La Marzocco technology and the manufacturing processes around our machines. In this training session we will explain together with our Berlin Reseller and Service Partner Sander-Tec everything you need to know to understand the true value of a la Marzocco Espresso Machine, it’s technological development and its inner workings.
Click here for your ticket!
Third wave wichteln cupping
Sa. 14:00 – 16:00 / La Marzocco Berlin Office, Reuterstr. 50
Together with the Third Wave Wichteln team we are going to present a fascinating line-up of selected roasts from all over the world. Check our facebook page to receive further info.
Linea Mini True Artisan Café
So. 11:00 – 18:00 / Markthalle 9
The machine is the stage, the baristas and coffee are the protagonists, the public is the audience.
True Artisan Café aims to provide for the whole day top roasters from all over the world with an opportunity to showcase their brand & to engage, train and educate the BCF visitors. In the center of the coffee market you will find the perfect cup of coffee on our stand handmade on our home machines and modbar. Therefore we have invited 6 amazing roasters to come to Berlin and show their drinks to our visitors. We will provide baristas with a hands-on experience in operating La Marzocco espresso machines. In addition to ensuring fun, this can be defined as a creative platform to build relationship and community to coffee lovers from all over the world.